Registration fee is $30.00 per wrestler and $15.00 for each additional sibling (non-refundable). A parent/ guardian signature will be required at the time of registration. The league is open to ages 5-12, grades K-6. You can sign-up online at pbparks.org or this form can be dropped off at Poplar Bluff Parks and Recreation, 430 N. 2nd St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. or contact Kelton Thompson, (573) 429-2710, keltonthompson@pb.kl2.mo.us.
The goal is to learn the fundamentals of wrestling and the core of the PB Wrestling philosophy. Initial wrestling practice will be held at the Poplar Bluff Senior High School wrestling room.
Grades K-2nd- Pee Wee Wrestling- Weekly Practices to learn the very basics of wrestling. There will be no competitions outside of the practice room for this age. Our focus for this gtoup is to learn wrestling skills, improve motor skills, and have fun.
Grades 3rd-6th- Youth Wrestling- 2 practices weekly to learn the core skills of wrestling. This age group will have competitions in the form of tournaments where individuals are paired with other wrestlers of similar age/ size.